Attorney Profiles
Case Examples
Our Publications
Defending the Innocent
Areas of Practice
 • False Allegations of Sexual Abuse
 • Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy
 • Shaken Baby Syndrome
 • Parental Alienation Syndrome
 • Probate, Estate, and Trust Litigation

Zachary Bravos
Phone: 630.510.1300
E-mail: zacharybravos@gmail.com

Truth has power 

Yes – this is the same website. We also do estate and trust litigation. There are common threads among this aspect of our practice and the other areas we concentrate in. Estates and trusts are often involved in litigation concerning competency to make a will or to execute a trust, undue influence of a testator or trust maker by a dominate personality, mental competency, and mental illness or disability.

These areas require much the same expertise as the psychological and scientific aspects of our other cases. There must be awareness of the scientific research into memory, social influence, and psychological testing. Additionally the practitioner must understand the methods, both good and bad, valid and invalid, that are part the “psychological autopsy” that is sometimes performed by experts on each side of the issue in commenting upon a person’s ability, while living, to execute documents, comprehend what they are signing, and resist psychological influence by others.

Handling these aspects of trust and estate litigation has required us to become knowledgeable in the legal aspects of trust and estate disputes in general. We find this area of the law to be interesting and challenging. If you would like to see a recent example of our work, view our client cases.


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Phone: 630-510-1300 - Fax: 630-510-1336
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